
Responsible party according to Telecommunications Act (Telemediengesetz):
Eden Hotel Wolff Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Arnulfstraße 4
80335 Munich
Managing Director: Dr. Peter-Paul Stengel
Hotel Director: Gerald Tomas
VAT-ID: DE 184 171 733
Companies register: München, HRB 111380
Address: Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 55 11 5-0
Telefax: +49 (0)89 55 11 5-555
Internet: www.ehw.de & www.eden-hotel-wolff-muenchen.de
E-Mail: info@ehw.de
Responsible for the content: Carola Bumann (Anschrift s.o.)
Art Direction:
Iris Olschewski | www.fleurdiris.com & Ariane Busch | www.karlotta.net
Programming and Implementation:
Matthias Härlin | www.motointermedia.com
Studio Andreas Achmann, Ingmar Kurth, Unsplash, Pixabay, Nagy/Presseamt München, PR
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The content of this website including design and programming are subject to copyright. All rights reserved, information provided without engagement, subject to change. Text and images may only be used subject to the explicit approval of the operator.